About the Artist

Meet the Artist:

Hi! I'm Tori. I was raised in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. As a child my mom took me hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park almost every single weekend. That definitely shaped who I grew up to be (an unapologetic plant nerd). I love being outdoors and seriously lack impulse control when it comes to buying field guides -- I can not be trusted in the natural history section of any bookstore. I went to school and earned a Wildlife Biology degree. I especially loved my classes focusing on the plants and animals native to the Appalachian region. I've always loved crafting as well. Anything I can make with my own two hands is exciting to me. Speedwell Jewelry is the inevitable meeting of these two passions. I get to spend time outdoors looking at native plants, growing things in our garden, and foraging for other materials and then I get to craft unique and beautiful things with them. I hope you enjoy your new jewelry as much as I've enjoyed creating it!